Private Chef Services


Organic living is the path to a happy & healthful life. But where do we begin?

We live in a busy world where it's difficult to pause and take the time we truly need for ourselves. We may want to make a positive change in our kitchen and home but don't know where to begin. Allow April to rebuild your kitchen and your eating habits one nutritious, raw food at a time. She'll use the skills she's built over a lifetime of creating a healthy home for herself and others to give you everything you need to have the inner balance and mindful eating habits you're hoping for. Schedule a grocery shopping tour with April to learn which foods will support your healthy lifestyle.

April's services include food shopping, clean and healthy food and beverage prep for the entire week including juices, elixers, tonics and smoothies. April loves raw food; however, her services expand to both raw and cooked foods depending on client needs. Each menu April crafts for her client is tailored to his or her needs, allergies and likes/dislikes on a weekly basis.

Interested in working with April? Fill out the form below to get in touch about her private chef services.


Today’s Simple Smoothie is so good! 

Juice and meat from one whole coconut
4 dates
thumb of ginger 
Tip of a whole vanilla pod 
7 ice cubes 
1/2 lemon juiced
3 drops of cassia oil 
Sprinkle of nutmeg 


Super yum afternoon smoothie!

Whole coconut 
Whole Banana 
1 tsp Dehydrated Dragon Fruit Powder
Tsp Sunflower Seed Butter 
1 scoop Sun Warrior Greens & 
Purium Vanilla Protein Powder

Start your journey to wellness today and celebrate the magic of raw foods.

11 Days of Raw with Sweet Mama is now available!

Discover the magic of eating high vibrational, living foods to help release what no longer serves you. By eating healthier you begin to crave healthier options. Eating raw will assist you in upgrading your body, mind and spirit.

Life-giving foods lead to an abundantly beautiful and magical life! Try 11 Days of Raw with Sweet Mama and begin your transformation today.